Central High Rise have found that many of their customers require up to date High Level Safe Access Surveys for their buildings, to document how to safely access roofs and roof spaces, the access method required, what PPE equipment is needed and safe methods of work for staff and contractors to care out routine maintenance tasks at height to gutters, air conditioning units, communication masts and antennas etc.

Our High Level Safe Access Survey give the client not only piece of mind, but safe access conformity for the building.

As part of the report, we include photographic images of all roofs, roof surfaces, fall arrest & fall restraint systems, including handrails and ladders, with a written report on recommendations and advisories for remedial repairs need.

Central High Rise can also provide annual Collective Fall Arrest inspections & repairs, Lightning Protection inspections & repairs, and Chimney Inspections & repairs, enabling customers to keep their working at height to a minimum.